21 thoughts on “This is the 27,000th post on this site

  1. You are certainly most prolific. Thank you for this blog, which I enjoy a great deal and to which I often refer in my blog. I have only written 1,600+ posts in 5+ years. I am such a slacker. šŸ˜‰

  2. Congratulations…an excellent milestone. Many years ago, when my brother was a visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study, he noted with amazement a colleague that he said ā€œcould create faster than I can understandā€. I continue to be amazed at the breadth and depth of your daily reading and writing, and while it takes me a long time to read and understand even a good fraction the posts and references, I am convinced that they provide a trusted source of thinkers and writers that is not available via any mainstream media. Thank you!

    1. And you donā€™t just post, but seem to read every reader comment and engage in conversation and clarification when appropriate.

  3. “Thereā€™s a lot about Scottish politics in there that I donā€™t understand,”

    Starting with the accent…

  4. For some reason, trying to get here by following the “previous post” link from the subsequent post (Thoughts of Chaircat Hili) … breaks back to the home page/ list of posts.
    Is WordPress trying to celebrate with you?

  5. Congratulations! What an achievement!

    I don’t know how you do it. I spend a significant chunk of each day just reading what you (and your excellent, diverse commenters) have to say. You do that plus read broadly and post interesting, well-written and insightful articles too. All I can say is thank you!


    1. BTW, I read your posts using an RSS reader (Feedly). I have Feedly configured to deliver content in chronological order. This post apparently didn’t appear before the Hili Dialogue in the RSS feed. Like Gravel-Inspector, I got to this post by following the link to the previous post from the Hili Dialogue post.

  6. Thanks for your assiduous efforts; thatā€™s an amazing amount of writing, especially considering the subject matter you spend the most time on.

    Using 12 years as an approximate base, thatā€™s 2,250/year, 187/month, 6/day. šŸ‘

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