Thursday: Hili dialogue

April 1, 2021 • 7:13 am

Welcome to Thursday, the very first day of April, 2021. That means it’s April Fool’s Day, but I’m not going to fool you. It’s also National Sourdough Bread Day, celebrating a very great invention.

It’s also these food months:

National Florida Tomato Month
National BLT Sandwich Month
National Soft Pretzel Month
National Soyfoods Month
National Grilled Cheese Month
National Garlic Month
April 12-18: National Egg Salad Week

News of the Day:

G. Gordon Liddy, head of the White House “plumber’s unit” that burgled Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate Complex, eventually bringing down Nixon, died on Tuesday at age 90. (He was also involved in breaking into the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist.) He was the only Watergate conspirator who refused to testify about his activities, and was sentenced to 6-20 years in the pen. He served only 4.5 years, though, as his sentence was commuted by Jimmy Carter.

The Evergreen State College website has been down for at least three days, and I have no idea why. When you try looking for anything on it, you get this message:

However, the College’s Twitter site is still active (mildly), though it has very few followers.

Finally, today’s reported Covid-19 death toll in the U.S. is 551,638, an increase of 1,138 deaths over yesterday’s figure.  The reported world death toll stands at 2,830,756.

Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili’s dialogue is a bit enigmatic. When I asked what it was about, Malgorzata replied: “I’m guessing: It’s spring. Hili thinks that something must be done but she has no idea what. So she calls to action to at least go forward one step and then she will see what to do next.”

Hili: We have to mobilize ourselves.
A: What for?
Hili: To take a step forward.

In Polish:

Hili: Musimy się zmobilizować.
Ja: Do czego?
Hili: Do zrobienia kroku naprzód.

And a somewhat blurry photo of Szaron:

Two food memes from Facebook. If you get the first one, you’re of a certain age and will remember this dreadful song:

“The Scream” but made from Marshmallow Peeps by Charlie McWhorter, a graphic artist.

A meme from Nicole:

From reader Barry, who says, “Not all cats are smart and wily. This one’s an idiot, I’m sorry to say.” Well, maybe it just wanted to wash its head.

A tweet from Luana. Regardless of what you think of the bill, CNN is badly confused in its claims (see their article here). The full quote from CNN:

It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.

No consensus criteria? It is just a subjective judgment?

All flies use air or hemolymph to inflate their wings and parts of their bodies after they hatch from the pupal case.

Parental behavior carried beyond the appropriate age:

Sounds of Mars, including the sounds of the Perseverance Rover itself.

A basket ten centuries old!

29 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue

  1. National Soyfoods Month???

    Sorry, but when thinking of words to describe delicious food, the phrase that absolutely does NOT spring to mind is, “You won’t be able to tell the difference”.


  2. Nothing better than good sour dough.
    The marijuana in the south is a good one…very funny.

    1. I had to work it for several seconds before I realised that the deep-fried marijuana wasn’t a slur upon the good people of Gretna.

    2. It will be a while before you can get deep fried marijuana, but in about a year you can get it in New Mexico with red or green chile. The state has now approved legalized recreational marijuana.

    1. I cannot believe our host has insulted one of the finest songs ever created. Shocked. Harry Nillson was a master at crafting songs.

  3. A basket ten centuries old!

    There is some evidence of cordage production by the Neanderthals of the Ardèche Gorge area, adjacent to the Rhône valley and the limestone plateaus of the Vercors (an unusallly cave-rich area, leading to the misleading description of Neanderthals, and prehistoric people in general as “cave dwellers” – which merely describes where their remains haven’t been disturbed). Since modern pre-metallic cultures make very extensive use of cordage for a wide variety of tasks, including fabric making, it is less than surprising that their use stretches a long way back. The bias towards stone and bone (including antler) tools is a taphonomic bias – it is due to better preservation of the stone/ bone artefacts compared to those made of organic materials.
    See also : the way individual “long” bones in a juvenile tetrapod tend to disintegrate in the soil into two “end caps” and one mid-shaft of mineralised bone linked by cartilaginous sections in which the main lengthwise growth of the bone is accommodated.
    Concerning dating of the Ardèche site,

    The site has been dated by ESR (electron spin resonance) and U-Th methods. Unit 5 is dated to the end of the MIS (Marine Isotope Stage)5/beginning of MIS 4 at 90 thousand years (ka). Level 4.1 is dated to between 40±3 ka and 46±3 ka (MIS 3), while samples from Level 4.2 provided ages ranging from 41±2 ka, 46±5 ka to 52±2 ka (MIS 3)10. The cordage remains are from Level 4.2.

    BTW, “ten millennia“, I think. That’s about right for early occupation levels of Jerusalem. A good millennium after Catal Hoyuk and ca three millennia after Gobekli Tepek.

    The linked paper is Open Access and is also available as a PDF.

    1. There’s an “author correction” to the paper, but it’s just a typo in a reference.

  4. I am not sure if this is appropriate but I would like to brag about a prediction I
    made here on February 5th. “I expect daily deaths in the US to be down 75% (under 900) by the end of March and down 90% (under 300) by the of June.”

    Comment #11

    The actual 7 day rolling average figure for March 31 was 940. Considering daily deaths at the time were over 3000, I think it was a pretty good prediction. Strictly speaking I was wrong but I was darn close.

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