Caturday felids: Cat wears costumes to promote local library; cat demands belly and armpit scratches, imaginary topiary cats

May 30, 2020 • 11:30 am

We have the usual three items today, beginning with a piece from inspireMORE about Horatio, a cat who, every Caturday, dons a new costume to promote his local library:

Every “Caturday,” bibliographic services assistant Lisa Shaffer debuts another one of the hilariously elaborate costumes she makes for her adorable cat Horatio. While this tradition may seem a little unusual, she’s doing it for the best of reasons.

Knowing how much the Internet loves all things feline, Lisa approached her supervisor and asked if she could share pictures of her cats dressed up as famous characters from literature and pop culture. After getting the green light, the creative library employee got to work making her vision a reality!

“I just started taking books, random books that would be interesting to highlight,” she said. “Or if it was an author’s birthday or anniversary of some event, I would get a picture of one of my cats, mostly Horatio, and it just kind of went from there.”


Lisa works for Centre County Library in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. A few years ago, she noticed they had little to no social media presence, so she set out to make a change.

Knowing how much the Internet loves all things feline, Lisa approached her supervisor and asked if she could share pictures of her cats dressed up as famous characters from literature and pop culture. After getting the green light, the creative library employee got to work making her vision a reality!

I like this one:

So far, Lisa is proudest of the Iron Throne she made out of cardboard as a prop for Horatio’s “Game of Thrones” costume.

The cat is remarkably patient!

And here’s a video of Horatio and his owner:


Here’s what appears to be a Bengal absolutely demanding scratches under his arms. Here are the YouTube notes:

Found a footage of maumao when she was relishing in bellyrubs and armpit scratches. In the video, she is still a kitten about 7 -8 months, she recently turned 1 years old!

Maumao the rescue kitten enjoys her bellyrubs and massages so much that she shrieks and meows with approval and satisfaction, It is so adorable to watch the video back! At one point, she raises her front leg/arm and tells us where to scratch her, at the armpit! Watch till the end, its so cute and hope you enjoy the video😍

Voilà: 6.5 minutes of armpit scratching!


Finally, a piece on topiary cats from the BBC (click on screenshot):

From the article:

Richard Saunders once saw an ornamental shrub and was struck by how its shape resembled his beloved pet cat while asleep. Now the images he creates replacing real-life bushes with his pet’s feline form have reached millions of people around the globe.

Imagine walking through a beautiful English country garden, turning a corner and seeing a gigantic, perfectly-manicured cat sculpted from lush green bushes lazing next to a lake.

Taken from the mind of a “surrealist” artist from Stapleford, Hertfordshire – and rendered into high-quality fantastical images – the topiary cat has been taking social media by storm.

These aren’t real sculptures, but wouldn’t it be nice to have one?!

The first image Richard Saunders created was inspired by topiary at Hall Barn in Beaconsfield
One of Mr Saunders’ images was seen by more than three million people online
The creator of the digitally-altered cat topiaries said he often tried to correct people who thought they were real

h/t: GInger K., Andrea, Keira


13 thoughts on “Caturday felids: Cat wears costumes to promote local library; cat demands belly and armpit scratches, imaginary topiary cats

  1. This post is a welcome relief from the news.
    I really enjoyed seeing Horatio and his wonderful costumes.
    Thank you for a very needed post!

  2. This has got to be one of your best Caturday Felid posts, ever.
    Re: Armpit scratch kitten, I got my sister a t-shirt with “My d*g isn’t spoiled; I’m just well trained”. The staff of Mau Mao should have something like that. Need followup now that she’s 1 yr old – does she still expect such fusses before bedtime?

  3. Bellefonte:

    It’s about 8mi NE of State College. Seems like a very pleasant town and with a wonderful B&B, the Reynolds Mansion (not to be confused with one by the same name in Asheville NC) that is just sensational. Hugely original inside with a mini-museum with artifacts from the original owner, different rooms trimmed in different woods incl American Chestnut, and nice people that run the place, too. If you ever have reason to visit Penn State, do yourself a favor and stay at the Reynolds Mansion.

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