Photos of readers

April 27, 2020 • 2:30 pm

Today we have a genuine coronavirus helper among our readers: Matthew Jenkins. His caption is below, followed by his photo, and the title of his submission is “Going In”.  Musgrove Park Hospital is in Taunton, Somerset, England.

I am a theatre nurse – my job is to assist the surgeon during operations and prepare equipment and the operating theatre for cases.  However, elective operations have been cancelled and theatre staff moved to help in other areas such as ICU and HDU.

The photograph shows Udaya and I about to head into a patient care area at ten thirty pm on our first shift in ICU, to help turn a seriously-ill patient on her side, a procedure complicated by all the cables and tubes attached.  Actually turning a patient over, termed ‘proning’, has about thirty-six different elements to remember. You don’t, for example, want to forget to unclamp a naso-gastric tube at the end. By the time the shift finished at seven am, we were pretty tired, and with a lot of respect for the ICU nurses.

ICU is in the oldest part of Musgrove Park Hospital.  New staff are always proudly told that the corridors are slightly wider than a jeep – the hospital was originally built by the US Air Force.  There are pictures on the walls showing freezing young men in uniform trudging through snow between Nissen huts, pretty nurses from Maine receiving mail from home, and recovering men playing basketball under the watchful eye of a waistcoated doctor.



26 thoughts on “Photos of readers

  1. Hats (but not masks) off to you for the work you are doing! All of you on the front lines are true heroes.

  2. Such an important job in normal circumstances. Well done – I am hoping especially for the best outcomes in medicine. Best wishes.

  3. The knowledge and skill and patience and compassion required in ICU is astounding. You are a hero, Matt.

  4. What a job, a very tough job. I do have a question after reading about your hospital. Says it was first opened in Sept. 1942 and was built by the U.S Army. You mentioned Air Force but I assume army is correct as there was no actual Air Force back then?

      1. Reading my comment it looks like I’m being an arse not meant to be, just defending ‘hospital folklore’. Sorry.

  5. Hats off to you Matthew. What you and your colleagues are doing, day after day and fully aware of the risks, is humbling. I wish you all the best.

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