16 thoughts on “At the bank

    1. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, Gary (though I can’t say as I’ve ever tried it myself). šŸ™‚

  1. I live near an extremely dog-friendly town (Ketchum, Idaho). Quite often, people will leave their well trained dogs off-leash outside the uber fancy and expensive grocery store, waiting patiently. One time some obviously non-local woman’s dog went in and, in its distress, dumped all over floor. Panic ensued.

    1. Great version. Somehow the inverted ‘Summertime’ (or rather: I guess that ‘Summertime’ is an inverted ‘Sometimes….’).

  2. Dog’s seem to enjoy waiting, so I’m not bothered by the dogs life.

    What’s with the markings, 5 and 6 on the door? At a bank. I can only guess they are 5 and 6 feet from the floor so that if thieves are caught on camera, they can know how tall they are for their APB. The fuzz are always thinking ahead. A life of crime is surely futile.

    1. The “5” is right for 5 ft, but the “6” is only around 8 inches higher than the “5”

      I noticed the BankFinancial drive-thru hours of 8am to 6pm. Never happen over here! I was going to write, but I looked it up & we got 8am – 8pm drive thru in 2017… slavery on zero hours contracts I expect.

      1. Yes it does look like less than a foot and no metric measure matches. It’s possible the camera lens is compressing the distance via perspective distortion.

        1. The cam would have to be the other side of the door from the person being snapped for that to work. And person not near the door frame. And cam well below ceiling height – say head or shoulder height.

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