22 thoughts on “Identify the creature!

  1. Hmm looks hairy, so my best guess is some sort of spider trying to look like something else. Scale would maybe help.

      1. Yep Michael Fisher nailed it. I wouldn’t have guessed correctly in a months of Sundays, and it is the Phobetron hipparchia as John P Friel specifies below.

        I’m blown away.

        After the identification I did a general Google image search for Costa Rican moths just for the heck of it, an activity I recommend, because I found myself oohing and aahing over them. Incredible markings and colors.

          1. WRONG. I was thinking of Hypatia. Hipparchia was a Cynic, wife of Crates. Today, you might call them street people or homeless bums. But I dig the Cynics and so should not have mis-identified the name. I also dig Hipparchia. I haven’t yet had my cofeve but it’s still better than looking at wombat butts in the a.m.

          2. I suspect the use of Hipparchia in the binomial stems from the namer’s love of literature – leading him to use classical Greek references in his naming of nearly 100 butterfly/moth taxa:

            “Pieter Cramer (21 May 1721 (baptized) – 28 September 1776), was a wealthy Dutch merchant in linen and Spanish wool, remembered as an entomologist. Cramer was the director of the Zealand Society, a scientific society located in Flushing, and a member of Concordia et Libertate, based in Amsterdam. This literary and patriotic society, where Cramer gave lectures on minerals, commissioned and/or financed the publishing of his book De uitlandsche Kapellen, on foreign (exotic) butterflies, occurring in three parts of the world Asia, Africa and America”

            MORE HERE

  2. A frog hopper-hemipteran. They, as a group, seem to have an endless capacity for bizarre transmogrifications.

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