Friday: Hili Dialogue

October 28, 2016 • 6:30 am

by Grania

Jerry reports that he has made it to his destination and is having a good time with his kind hosts in Singapore.

Today is the day that Elvis Presley got a polio vaccination on TV back in 1956 which some credit with getting vaccination levels for this disease to soar from nothing to almost 80% in 6 months.

No normal person looks this happy getting jabbed.

Back in 1929, today was Black Monday when Wall Street Markets began to crash which, depending on which economist you speak to, may or may not have plunged the US into the Great Depression.

Here in Cork, Ireland, 28 October always means the start of the Jazz Festival—my favorite long weekend of the year, when the city is crammed to the brim with good music and happy revellers.

Here’s the Jason Marsalis Vibes Quartet to get you in the mood.

And over in Poland, Hili is using her Big Words.

Hili: Wherever you look, apoptosis.
A: Just until spring.


In Polish:

Hili: Gdzie nie spojrzeć, apoptoza.
Ja: Byle do wiosny.

17 thoughts on “Friday: Hili Dialogue

          1. He was in it – singing in a bat that Ford and Arthur went to. Off the top of my head I think it was the fourth book, but I’m not sure.

  1. Good to see you hedging on Black Monday being solely at fault for the Depression. Herbert Hoover was of the opinion that one economist @ U Pittsburgh (forgotten name) came closer to getting it right than anyone else. Apparently things started to recover twice during his administration, but a major foreign debt crisis sent things back the other way, and then there was a banking crisis that the Democrats were only too happy to pour oil onto, both before and after the election.

  2. Hi Jerry. I just want you to know that I purchased your book Faith vs Fact today from my local book store and am very excited about reading it!

  3. Never liked Elvis and his sycophantic films. However, I was unaware of his promoting vaccination. He definitely goes up a few steps in my esteem.
    Yes, I know this was before the Wakefield lies, but still. Antivax is one of my pet peeves.

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