Caturday felids: Well timed cat photos, Syrian refugees flee with beloved kitten, cats gets into flour and becomes demon kitteh

October 10, 2015 • 9:00 am

I’m proud of never having missed a Caturday Felid post since they began years ago. And we certainly won’t miss one this cold Saturday in Dobrzyn (it’s -2ºC this morning).

From Bored Panda we have a selection of 90 perfectly timed cat photos. I’ve chosen a few for your delectation, but go look at them all!

Source unknown
Source: Candace Lowry
Source: unknown

Transparent cat!:

Source: arbitrary_aardvark

And talk about the sun shining out of your butt!

Source: nicholasm00

And another!

Source: unknown
Source: unknown


Love Meow tells the story of a Syrian refugee family couldn’t bear to leave behind their beloved kitten.

The man seen cuddling the kitten was not willing to make this journey without his kitten, Zaytouna, who’d be lost without him.


The Syrian family travelled on a boat and made it safely to Lesbos, Greece. The man kept his kitten cradled tightly to his chest throughout the journey.

“This Syrian family brought their beloved cat to Greece,” said Tamara, a Roar Magaine contributor. “Today we helped these #RefugeesGr as they reached the shore in a state of shock: crying, shaking & kneeling to pray.”

Well, we can ignore the prayer stuff and just admire the man who brought his kitty to safety.



Finally, a Demon cat in flour!! This shows how a lovely and amiable black cat can be transformed into a DEMON CAT with just a slight (and apparently) accidental application of flour.

Despite its terrifying appearance, Demon Cat is actually just a regular kitty – the only difference between him and another pet is that he has somehow got his face covered in flour, lending him the eerie look of a destroyer of worlds.

These images were posted on Reddit by user teddy-bear-the1st, who wrote: “Hi (sic) is not a devil. He is just a cat in flour.”

However, that didn’t stop many redditors calling for a feline exorcist in the comments below the images.

“Please post again in 12 hours or we will send a search party with an exorcist,” wrote one user.


Warning! Don’t try this at home!
h/t: Robin, Cindy

16 thoughts on “Caturday felids: Well timed cat photos, Syrian refugees flee with beloved kitten, cats gets into flour and becomes demon kitteh

  1. “Well, we can ignore the prayer stuff and just admire the man who brought his kitty to safety.”

    Agreed. Taking care of a cat shows that he is good people. That he may have some irrational assumptions is not nearly as relevant.

  2. Why does that particular coloration automatically elicit the “demon” response? It seems weird to me that everyone immediately sees it that way (including me). Is it triggering some sort of shared nightmare memory?

  3. Hope all ended up well for the refugee kitten. Trying to get a pet without papers into most countries is probably harder than getting a refugee admitted.

    1. And can we even imagine keeping a kitten ” cradled tightly to [one’s] chest throughout” a sea voyage? Does this guy deserve a Purple Heart, I wonder?

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