13 thoughts on “Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere

    1. Mark Sturtevant,

      Now, how did you do the clever hyperlink?

      I think about HPV and neurofibromas when I see warty gourds.

      Incidentally, some men in Papua New Guinea (PNG) don penis gourds when in traditional attire. Many irreverent comments (and giggles) circled on a bush hike I did in 1999 (I was in PNG to practice Tok Pisin). “Don’t walk too close in front of them!”

  1. Those are two squirrels, unless there’s an underground passage hiding behind the gourds.

    My cats, by the way, object to rodents, which are clearly intended as prey items, being referred to as “honorary cats”. The proper response to a cat seen out the window is to hiss and yowl, while the proper response to a squirrel is to freeze and stalk.

  2. The fact that the Doodle-gourds remain un-gnawed by the friendly Doodle-squirrel is entirely inconsistent with my backyard gardening experience.

  3. An appropriate doodle as my gardening friend and I have just had our great squash exchange today, spaghetti squash from her and buttercup from me.

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