Friday: Hili dialogue (and Leon lagniappe)

May 8, 2015 • 5:11 am

It’s Friday! Yesterday was like summer in Chicago—sunny and in the mid 80s! The students luxuriated on the lawns, putting on shorts and tee-shirts and exposing acres of milk-white flesh that had lost its pallor during winter. Thank Ceiling Cat, praise be upon him, my back is also much improved, so I seem to be recovering nicely.  Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, there seems to be a bit of a drought:

Hili: I’m afraid we have too little rain.
A: That’s right, we have to start meowing for rain.


In Polish:

Hili: Obawiam się, że nadal mamy za mało deszczu.
Ja: To prawda, musimy zacząć miauczeć o deszcz.

As lagniappe, we have a Leon monologue. It’s a lovely picture of Leon hiking, and look how his head, illuminated by the sun, has turned golden!

Leon: You brought a snack for me? This running is very exhausting.

LeonIn Polish:

Leon: Przyniosłaś mi przekąskę? To bieganie jest bardzo wyczerpujące.


15 thoughts on “Friday: Hili dialogue (and Leon lagniappe)

      1. But G*d knew that this would happen before She created time and space, and still chose to do nothing about it. That’s a bit off, don’t you think?

      2. Hahahaha! Canada’s federal election is in October. I better keep an eye out and see what the omens suggest. I really don’t want 5 more years of Tories and their silencing of scientists, love of oil and dislike of social programs.

  1. While we are celebrating today, it’s the birthday of both Thomas Pynchon (b 1937) and Keith Jarrett (b 1945). Keith Jarrett is 70!

  2. Yeah, Europe is a bit in a dry spell, bad for apples and cherries!

    Leon is one lucky kitteh, blessed by Ceiling Cat! He really trusts his human, look how he stands on her hand without fear.

  3. Trying to curb the drought and promote the growth?

    And here I thought Hili would help by meowing the grass!

  4. It was warm yesterday here too and today is going to be a high around 29C depending how close you are to the lake.

  5. “milk-white flesh that had lost its pallor during winter”

    I think this sentence should read “lost its color”. Pallor is the loss of color, so we actually increase pallor during the winter. Or am I reading this wrong?

    1. No, you’re right of course. Beat me to it. 🙂 PCC was probably thinking of 2 ways to word the phrase and it ended up coming out wrong. He doesn’t have much time to create these posts, you know.

      1. “two ways to word the phrase”
        That’s probably the ‘why’ of the matter. I do that sometimes myself. Or just a brain fart.

  6. I’ll get my Big Orange Kitty to start meowing for rain. When he wants something and starts to meow, he is R-E-L-E-N-T-L-E-S-S …

    (When he wants something from me and starts this, I only have two choices: give in, or cut my throat. So far, I’ve given in.)

  7. Jerry, You may consult 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back by Esther Gokhale. It helped me,a few years older than you.


  8. Sounds like the students are doing their best to diminish the effects of global warming by increasing the Earth’s albedo. Alas, any such effect is bound to be short-lived as their own personal albedos decrease….


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