Monday: Hili dialogue

December 15, 2014 • 4:51 am

Good morning, and happy Monday! Today there is a special Hili dialogue accompanied by this note from Malgorzata:

“In Poland, there is special cause for celebration today. The website “Listy” was born 15 December 2013, and on that day Hili became its official Editor-in-Chief. Today, then, is the first anniversary of the site, and she is very proud of her work.”

And from one rationalist website to another, WEIT congratulates Hili and her staff of Andrzej and Małgorzata (as always, the humans put in all the real effort) on their hard work creating and maintaining Poland’s #1 website for rationalism, secularism, and science appreciation.

A: This is the first birthday of “Listy”.
Hili: I have a feeling I’ve done a helluva job!


In Polish:

Ja: Listy mają pierwsze urodziny.
Hili: Mam wrażenie, że zrobiłam kawał dobrej roboty.


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