Wednesday: Hili dialogue

September 3, 2014 • 2:46 am

Hump Day!: supposedly the day on which workers are least productive. We will see. Meanwhile, in Dobrzyn, Hili fends off a discussion of philosophy:

A: Can we talk about existentialism?
Hili: I’m not such a snob.
A: But could you stop existing on our kitchen table?

10624899_10204193405462661_2714803859701463931_n In Polish:

Ja: Czy możemy porozmawiać o egzystencjalizmie?
Hili: Nie jestem aż taką snobką.
Ja: A czy możesz przestać egzystencjować na naszym stole kuchennym?

10 thoughts on “Wednesday: Hili dialogue

  1. Our cat Trinket was also a firm table-existentialist. We occasionally discussed our disagreement of the issue, but after giving the matter some considered thought Trinket decided to ignore my suggestions.

  2. I woke up feeling like hell this morning, but as a general rule Tuesday is my least favourite day. Cats exist wherever they please.

  3. “Hump Day!: supposedly the day on which workers are least productive.”

    Hmm, (on the heels of Labor Day)makes me contemplate:

    – what days investors (or more precisely, investors’ monies) are least and most “productive.”

    – whether a Fortune 500 CEO (or an investor for that matter) is ever referred to as a “worker” (or as a “human resource” or unit of “human capital.”)

    – why (in the U.S.) we use the terms “working class” and “working poor,” but never “non-working” (but rather “investor” re: “UNEARNED income”) class.

    – why capitalist types never out loud refer to, e.g., kindergartner, students as “capital,” as they do workers (though I’m sure they do silently think of these youngsters as capital).

    – why we hear of “working dogs” but never “working cats.” 😉

    1. ….why (in the U.S.) we use the terms “working class” and “working poor,” but never “non-working” (but rather “investor” re: “UNEARNED income”) class.

      Watch that socialist talk or you’ll get on the no-fly list! 😉

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