Thursday: Dobrzyn

July 24, 2014 • 4:02 am

Yesterday was a quiet day in Dobrzyn: working, eating, making cherry jam and pie, and napping. It rained much of the day, fortunately after the day’s cherry harvest was done. There is one more day’s picking left, but they want to wait until the fruit dries off.  We also lost power (and thus internet) several times.

The upside of rainy weather is that the Princess stays inside (see below).

Hili 1


Hili 2


What else can you do when you see a cat on its back like this? BELLY RUB! So I did:

More jam was made (Malgorzata considered the first batch too runny, but this one was perfect):


And, of course, another cherry pie. Given the thoroughness of the pickers, pies have to be made before all the cherries are gone. I was ordered not to photograph this one as it was considered unsightly, but I flouted the orders. It was delicious; I’ve just had a slice for breakfast. As I’ve always maintained, pie is the perfect breakfast food.



Several people asked about the size of these cherries. Yes, they are large for morello (sour) cherries, at least compared to the ones I’m used to in the U.S.  Here is one to human scale:


And for felids that are reading, to cat scale:


Match that, White Basket Cat!



19 thoughts on “Thursday: Dobrzyn

  1. You are staying with pie perfectionists! I cannot see a fault in that pie! besides, it is how it tastes that is important!

  2. For flouting a chef’s order, PCC needs to go cherry-free for at least a day.

    Regardless, the pie is a sight to behold: round, juicy, and oh so prettily rubicund as only cherry pies are.

    As an experienced jam maker told me, each batch is an unique learning experience.

  3. Some kitties like belly rubs, some don’t. If I tried to belly rub my Big Orange Kitty, I’d be left with a stump. 😉

  4. Just visually, those cherries sure look like they ought to be sweeter than the typical US sour cherries – at least the kind you find in the eastern US. How does the flavor compare? (He asked, while munching on sweet black cherries from Washington state.)

    1. I’ve been munching on Rainier cherries for the last couple weeks. Need to eat them quickly though…they seem more perishable than black cherries.

  5. Awwwww, Hili really trusts you.

    The cherries we had in our allotment garden were morellos too, dark red, almost black and smaller. They were really sour, wonderful for pies and as a fruit soup, but impossible to eat raw. We had two trees, one we left for the bird, the other got covered in a net.

  6. Your going to come back cherry flavored if you keep eating cherries.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen sour cherries that large. The pies look delicious. Do they add anything to the cherries in the pies to soak up the cherry juice, like cornstarch or tapioca flour?

  7. The pie looks great. Runny jam is good in trifle or on cheesecake!

    Hili looks blissful. I hadn’t realized what a petite, compact little cat she is.

  8. thanks for the size comparison shot. The sour cherries I’ve picked were Montmorency cherries, very “stop sign” red and smaller. they make great wine (perfect with chocolate cake). Is there cherry wine from these morellos in Poland?

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