The winner of the alter-your-cat contest!

January 9, 2013 • 5:30 am

The judges have deliberated long and hard about the winner of the “humiliate-your-cat-by-altering-his-visage” contest. In the end, it came down to a scruff-and-scruff race between Bobby (owner of Barbara) and Kink (owner of Doc Bill).  Intensive rumination, following a stiff dose of prayer to Ceiling Cat, has led us to declare the winner as. . .



Barbara will receive an autographed edition of WEIT, complete with hand-drawn cat. Here’s a little bit she wrote about Bobby:

 Bobby was a tiny kitten, ten to twelve weeks old when she came to live with us. My daughter and I were fostering her, along with a feral kitten, Pepper. Of course, when it became time to adopt both of them out, we decided to keep them. Bobby, who used to be the tiniest kitten, is now the biggest one of our three cats and a very talented model.

And here’s the runner-up, Kink, submitted by Doc Bill (I don’t feel too bad because Kink already won a contest). Doc Bill receives my warm congratulations.


Thanks to all who entered their cats. I’m sorry that the rest didn’t win (this isn’t a website, though, where “all must have prizes”!), but you have the consolation of having amused many readers, and my appreciation for your fortitude in getting your moggy to sit still long enough for a picture!

I’ll add one meme that nobody seems to have thought of; this one’s from Richard Wiseman‘s site:


h/t: Mary

16 thoughts on “The winner of the alter-your-cat contest!

  1. Kink is a sore loser. Drew blood last night, he did. (I might have had a role in that misadventure.)

    Yes, our house is overflowing with WEIT! A guest asked recently why I needed so many copies of WEIT. Can’t get enough, I said. I could have said, “Well, this Coyne guy is just a slacker and if he’d just get off his lazy ass and write another book I wouldn’t have to fill my bookshelves with this pulp.”

    Too bad Shubin doesn’t have competitions. Just saying.

    Oh, and Kink says “Congratulations, Barbara,” although he didn’t mean it. Kink is polite if not sincere.

  2. Thanks to all who entered their cats. I’m sorry that the rest didn’t win (this isn’t a website, though, where “all must have prizes”!), but you have the consolation of having amused many readers, and my appreciation for your fortitude in getting your moggy to sit still long enough for a picture!

    You know, featuring those who didn’t win as a cat-of-the-day would make for a pretty awesome consolation prize….


  3. I’ll add one meme that nobody seems to have thought of; this one’s from Richard Wiseman‘s site:

    Oh, that’s quite a good one. I’d have tracked down and molested my friend’s cat for that. Particularly since the English five pound note (or is it a tenner? I’m not sure and don’t have either to hand to check) … hang on … Gimping … nah, totally ineffective. I’d do better printing the images, cutting and pasting (in the literal sense, involving a brush and paste pot. Well, to anyone who’s seen a tenner, the idea is pretty obvious. Getting the whiskers to line up is the tricky bit (digitally).

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