Hawk cam!

March 21, 2012 • 8:48 am

What is spring at this website without an animal cam? We have a good one this year, brought to my attention by alert reader Phil.  It’s a Hawk Cam run by the Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology, and it shows, live, a pair of red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) who have already laid two eggs.

Here’s the information:

The new camera stream puts viewers 80 feet off the ground and right beside the nest, where they can watch the hawks arrive, see them taking turns incubating the eggs, and compare notes on the two birds—the male has a more golden-tawny face and is slightly smaller than the female, who has been nicknamed “Big Red” for her alma mater.

The nest should be active for at least the next two months, and we hope you’ll join us as we watch the young birds hatch and grow. The parents have raised young here for at least the last four years. As signs of spring began to show, the pair began adding sticks and green pine boughs to the nest, and the male started bringing prey, such as squirrels and pigeons, to offer the female. The pair now has two eggs, laid last Friday and on Monday, and we’re waiting to see if they lay a third. The birds will incubate for 28-35 days from the date the first egg is laid.

The webcam itself is at this link.

Do bookmark it; the video is crystal clear and the animals are beautiful.

9 thoughts on “Hawk cam!

  1. On a sort of related topic, I’ve been thinking about the fact that we (humans) tend to “admire” predatory animals like hawks and eagles, as well as lions, tigers, etc., while looking down on scavengers like vultures and hyenas. But shouldn’t it be the opposite? Why are we impressed by nature’s killing machines but disgusted by the ones that provide such a valuable cleanup service? Some ev-psych going on here? Did our ancestors identify with the carnivores, or what? Would be curious what others think.

    1. Reminds me of the Robert May obversation:

      As one moves down the size spectrum of organisms, from the romantic large mammals and birds, through nondescript small arthropods, on down to protozoan, bacterial and viral species, not only does concern for diversity and conservation fall away, it even changes sign.

      Personally, I don’t think it’s a matter of what our ancestors thought. I just think we’re naturally drawn to the muscular grace of predators.

  2. I just wanted to point out that the public arm of the Cornell ornithology laboratory is a wonderful destination if you are in the area.

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