
November 16, 2011 • 9:28 am

I’m off this afternoon for a bit more than two weeks.  I’ll be giving a biology seminar at the University of Valencia in Spain (where I’m also promised the best paella in town), and then a plenary talk at the Third Congress of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology (Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva) in Madrid.  And of course I’ll have a few days of vacation as well: why go all that way and not have some fun?

While I’ll attempt to check in from time to time, I suspect I won’t have much time to write here.  I’ll start regular posting again at the beginning of December. In the meantime, pinch-bloggers Greg Mayer and Matthew Cobb will be filling in when they can.

Hasta la proxima!



47 thoughts on “Peregrinations

  1. Have a good trip, Jerry. Bring back lots of pics and in the words of Dylan, some “Spanish boots of Spanish leather”.

          1. Which makes it even more fun for us to verb ahead. The squealing they make whilst being verbed is hilarious.

          2. (I’m a nounverber, me, Iyam) But I’d NEVER touch a participlization with a ten-foot-pole! Or should I say: I’d never pole a participlization with a …. (nevermind) I might bottle it though.

          3. I haven’t tried bottling participlizations yet; I’ve preferred to simply crush them and drink them fresh. You should try it with a sprig of interjectionating! Quite refreshing on a summer afternoon.



  2. Have a great trip! I was there for a conference a few years ago and had a very nice restaurant at a place called La Taberna de Marisa (I can dig up the address if you’re interested).

    1. Interesting – Sullivan does not want us to believe in a bearded discrete god (does god not shave? Is there no cosmic razor?) yet the bible is full of god as a discrete being separate from creation – so he moves over the face of the waters, therefore must have a body.

  3. Great paella in the picture, but that’s not an actual valencian paella. The valencian paella nowadays known as that has not any seafood, but rabitt and chicken, amongnst some vegetables. Seafood paella uses (not surprise here) seafood, and in a mixed paella you would find a combination of both.

    Most probably you will find you are offered a mixed paella, which have the most fame amongst tourist. Well, is great, you should try it. But don’t miss the chance if you can to try a genuine valencian paella.

    And anyway, paella has a complex cooking procedure, so you will have to wait a bit since you order it; at least forty minutes. It’s not a guarantee, but less time and you are probably tasting a re-heated one.

    I hope your hosts will take you to a good place, but take note on my advice.

    And yes, I’m a spanish living in spain. Good luck here!!

      1. You can have rice cooked with rabitt that is not a paella. Paella is defined by the pan you use to do it, the cooking procedure (very specific) and the ingredients, of course.

  4. With regard to the Velázquez painting: if you happen to have time to see Barcelona, check out the several dozen interpretations of ‘Las Meninas’ that Picasso painted in 1957, on display at the Museu Picasso. Wonderful.

  5. ¡Buen provecho, profesor!

    Make sure you schedule plenty of time for the Prado and the Reina Sofía. And there are two very cool day trips from Madrid you might try.

    The Valle de los Caídos is an interesting visit in the beautiful Sierra de Guadarrama. It’s mainly fascinating for the glimpse into the monumental extravagance of a fascist state.

    The other great day trip I’d suggest is to visit Toledo. The picturesque walled city is cool enough on its own. Throw in works by El Greco, great metalwork, and good food and it’s an essential visit.

  6. Yay! And when you come back, you can post a travelblog with your pics and comments. Looking forward to it. I loved Spain when I was there.

    1. Well, maybe either one of my sisters living there could help. (joking there, they don’t have a restaunrant1)

      Besides, it’s complex, but it’s not a hard recipe. The worst part would be getting some ingredients. Anyone dares to try it and tell us how did it go?

  7. Miss not el Museo del Prado, my favorite museum in Europe!*

    I love Velásquez.

    (* Right up there with the Van Gogh, the Orsay, the Rodin museum, L’Orangerie, Galleria degli Uffizi, and Galleria dell’ Accademia)

  8. That painting in this post is Sister Wendy’s favorite painting. She is the cloistered Roman Catholic nun who became a self-styled art expert. Just thought you might like to know that you and a nun have one thing in common. :^)

  9. Jerry, You deserve every paid vacation that comes your way. You are cordially invited to lecture at CFI Indiana if you pay your own way.
    I wish we could afford a visit from you.

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