20 thoughts on “My groupies, redux

  1. There’s a sort of Bond villain vibe about this picture.

    “Do you expect me to convert to atheism Professor Coyne?”
    “No, Mr Sullivan. I expect you to die.
    Of old age.”

    (By the way, it was just a quick photoshop headswap with a recent Antonio Banderas pic)

  2. I love how none of your “minions” are looking at you, or apparently paying you any attention whatsoever. This is actually not a bad model for how atheist groupies ought to behave: it’s not about you, it’s about the interesting stuff you provide. Hero-worship does not become the rationally analytical.

  3. Ripped off from the Puss in cowboy Boots Première debate report:

    [Coyne attracted] the crème de la crème of industry kitties before the kliegs, including such breed standards as Cat Blanchett, Don Cheetah, Leonardo di Catrio, Zach Galifurnakis, the Real Housecats of Beverly Hills, Kitty Perry, and Justin Timberlynx. “It was a purrfectly enjoyable event—I’m so glad I got up from my nap in time to make it,” one attendee was overheard saying

    Sorry. It’s a pun thing.

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