17 thoughts on “Global warming: temporal pattern of public opinion

  1. A category was left out and a class too.

    Class = creationists.

    Category = “We’re all going to die, but its OK because you [get 72 virgins/see grandma again] in the after life”.

    That class is flat-line across that category.

    1. To be fair, 90% of the world’s population lives in the northern hemisphere. So even if the southern hemisphere had been averaged into “everyone else”, it wouldn’t have made much of a difference.

      1. Right, so when the crunch comes, we southern hemispherians are gonna have land and food to spare, and you overcrowded northern hemispherians are all gonna die !

  2. WEIT/biogeography, and Climate science fraud at Conservapedia. Enjoy:

    Today, creationists generally hold that animal life radiated out from the resting place of Noah’s Ark after the Flood subsided. Few beleive that species were created in place, and furthermore, most accept that speciation occurs as different lineages within the same created kind diverge and diversify.

    While it is true that biogeography is not discussed very often in creationist circles, most of the anti-creationist claims based on biogeography neither prove evolution nor violate the current creation model.

    1. “Today, creationists generally hold that animal life radiated out from the resting place of Noah’s Ark after the Flood subsided. Few believe that species were created in place, and furthermore, most accept that speciation occurs as different lineages within the same created kind diverge and diversify.
      While it is true that biogeography is not discussed very often in creationist circles, most of the anti-creationist claims based on biogeography neither prove evolution nor violate the current creation model.”

      So that means that the monotremes in Australia (the echidna and platypus, both egg-laying mammals) both decided to de-evolve once they got to Australia, without leaving fossil records of their ancestors on the direct route from Mount Ararat (they apparently decided to take the roundabout route via South America and the Antarctic)

  3. But – I thought the famous graph by Joseph Minard that depicted Napoleon’s retreat from Russia was judged by graphing experts to be the most informative graph of all time. Looks like Minard has been beat.

  4. Using NASA’s GISS online mapping service (http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/maps/), French science journalist Sylvestre Huet, at Libération, makes a similar point: the chorus of ‘climate sceptics’ is loudest in the media where the regional wheather in December and January has been abnormaly cold (Central and Eastern US, Europe, Central Russia). [February data are not yet online.]


    However, considering the global distribution of anomalies with regard to mean annual temperatures compared to the long-term reference at all latitudes, surprise:
    The Zonal Means of all latitude points are above the mean, everywhere. Colder local conditions are compensated by higher temperatures elsewhere, the global system does not cool off.

    Conclusion: ‘climate sceptics’ apparently don’t realise the Earth is a globe; they are apt to fall off the map.
    (And I’m writing this having narrowly escaped the heaviest snowstorm in Barcelona since 1962; just bringing back a bout of pneumonia.)

    1. I agree with you, but we are discussing global warming right now, which is a totally different issue.

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