How many pterosaurs do you need to draw a straight line?

January 15, 2010 • 12:45 pm

by Matthew Cobb

I promise I’m not making any of this up, but this afternoon, paleontology PhD student Holly Barden came to my office with a present from my colleague, dino-man Phil Manning. Phil was moving office and came across a great Lego construction toy that you could make into a Stegosaur (for reasons that I won’t go into, I have a huge collection of toy Stegosaurs). So far, so ordinary. Except… the Lego kit could also make A PTEROSAUR. And furthermore, LOOK AT THE NAME OF THE KIT. SIGNATURE ON THE LID!

Furthermore, this afternoon my kids were watching defunct UK prehistoric drama Primeval, in which PTEROSAURS came through the anomaly into modern day Britain. I rest my case. FOUR TIMES in TWO DAYS the divine pterosaur (yet again a Pteranodon – no coincidence I think) has spoken to me.

The fact that the Lego box could equally be a message from a Stegosaur god is neither here nor there:

In fact, my daughter Evie (11) and I are making the Stego kit right now – not an easy task! But just like real Stegosaurs, it does have eyes that flash red when you press a button at the back of its head, and great big carnivorous teeth. Eh? Oh.

13 thoughts on “How many pterosaurs do you need to draw a straight line?

  1. Olie, I thought everyone knew that Triceratops are the ones you ride, Stegosaurus were the plow animals. πŸ™‚

    Very cool, I want one!

  2. Oh, this is easily explained. Nobody has ever known, up until now, just what kind of monster the Flying Spaghetti Monster actually is. Now, I would argue that a pterosaur is about as close to a “monster” as you can get.

    Clearly, His Noodly Appendage has reached down to reveal this noble truth to us: The God of Pastafarians is a Flying Spaghetti Pteranodon. Praise be unto FSP!

  3. I think it’s time now for you to take whatever instructions, adverts, coupons, packaging, and registration cards that came with this set (and the plastic pterosaur flyer as well) and do a comprehensive in-depth computer search of these holy texts for any divine hidden codes.

  4. Well, having completed the stego version of the kit, I can report that a) it provides about 3-4 hours of amusement for an 11 and 52 year-old. b) it *most* definitely reveals intelligent design! Those engineers are pretty smart!

  5. “for reasons that I won’t go into, I have a huge collection of toy Stegosaurs”

    Since when does one need a reason to collect dinosaurs?

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